Radiation Blog

Federal Standards and the ALARA Principle

Federal Standards and the ALARA Principle

The permitted radiation exposure levels for first responders are set in U.S. federal standards. The levels of permitted exposure rise according to the severity of the situation: from 5 rem for occupational exposure to unlimited exposure in the case of protection of large populations (as long as first responders are aware of the risk, see [...]

Emergency Response at Nuclear Plants – with Effective Radiation Gear

Emergency Response at Nuclear Plants – with Effective Radiation Gear

From harrowing hurricane scenarios to a simple fire ignited by a single spark, the main concern at nuclear plants is to safeguard the cooling systems, which ensure that safe temperatures are maintained around the nuclear reactor core. Ultimately, any damage to the core raises the specter of a meltdown. To prevent radiological emergencies, the Nuclear [...]

Radiation PPE: Essential Protection in High-Risk Scenarios

Radiation PPE: Essential Protection in High-Risk Scenarios

In a world where the threat of nuclear catastrophes and terrorist attacks on nuclear facilities looms large, the need for effective Radiation Personal Protective Equipment (Radiation PPE) has never been more critical.  The fallout from the Chernobyl disaster of 1986 is a clear reminder of the perils we face in the modern world. Such disasters [...]

Routine Work at Nuclear Plants: The Threat of Gamma Radiation Damage

Routine Work at Nuclear Plants: The Threat of Gamma Radiation Damage

types of radiation, gamma radiation Of all types of radiation, gamma radiation is the most penetrating and energetic. It damages the body by breaking bonds in genetic material and other biological molecules. The body’s innate ability to repair such damage can be overwhelmed when exposed to either high doses or low doses over many years. [...]

How to buy professional shield
Buy Civilian Radiation Shield